How to Clean Mold in the Shower and on Bathroom Walls

There are a few ways to clean mold in the shower and on bathroom walls. You can spray Clorox® Mold & Mildew Remover with Bleach directly on the mold and rinse it away, or you can apply a cleaning solution of Clorox® Bleach or Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner directly to the problem areas.
Follow These Steps to Remove Mold in Your Bathroom with a Solution of Clorox® Bleach:
PrepSpray or wipe the surface with warm water.
MixPour 250 ml of Clorox® Bleach into 5 L of warm water.
WipeWipe the surface with the bleach solutionse a sponge or brush to apply it.
WaitTo disinfect, wait for 10 minutes.
RinseRinse with warm water.
Air dryAllow the surface to air dry.
Follow These Steps to Remove Mold in Your Bathroom Using Undiluted Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner:
ApplyApply Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner directly to the nonporous surface.
WaitTo disinfect, wait 2 minutes.
RinseRinse with warm water.
Air dryAllow the surface to air dry.
You can repeat either cleaning process as needed. When cleaning, open windows to ventilate the area, lessen fumes and promote drying. Wear something you won't mind getting bleach on in case the cleaning solution drips on you.
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